Achieve Lasting Results with Edmonton Weight Loss Programs

Safely reduce weight and improve wellness with targeted laser therapy

The laser therapy for weight loss program is customized to each person’s individual weight loss needs. The laser therapy treatments are recommended in addition to a healthy diet and exercise plan, or to compliment any other weight loss program that you may be using.

The laser therapy treatments help to improve mood, decrease appetite and food cravings, control hunger, speed up metabolism, reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, reduce water retention, help the body utilize food and burn fat more efficiently, reduce cortisol levels and aid in weight loss.

Explore the Revolutionary Approach of Our Edmonton Weight Loss Programs

Alberta Laser Therapy, under the expert leadership of Ms. Holly Stambaugh, a Certified Laser Therapist, offers a cutting-edge solution for weight management through Edmonton Weight Loss Programs. Utilizing the principles of acupuncture in conjunction with low-level laser therapy (LLLT or cold laser), our programs provide a non-invasive, safe, and pain-free alternative to conventional weight loss methods.

Our clinic's approach integrates holistic wellness, focusing not only on weight loss but also on creating a balanced lifestyle that promotes long-term health. The use of cold laser targets specific acupuncture points that help to control appetite and cravings, boost metabolism, and improve overall body function.

Weight Loss After Quitting Smoking

With over 40 years of experience in laser therapy, backed by extensive research, Alberta Laser Therapy has developed a comprehensive program that supports individuals in achieving and maintaining their ideal weight. This program is particularly suitable for those who have struggled with traditional dieting and exercise routines, providing a sustainable path to weight loss without the need for drugs or invasive procedures.

Unique Features: Our Edmonton Weight Loss Programs are specifically designed to be quick, effective, and tailored to each individual's needs, ensuring optimal results.

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Weight Loss After Quitting Smoking
  • When acupuncture points on the ears and body are stimulated with low-level laser therapy, the body releases its own natural endorphins and serotonin, which help:

    • Improve mood
    • Decrease appetite and food cravings
    • Increase metabolism
    • Control hunger
    • Reduce anxiety
    • Promote relaxation
    • Reduce water retention
    • Eliminate toxins from the stomach
    • Enables the body to utilize food more efficiently and burn fat more efficiently
    • Reduces the stress hormone cortisol
    • Correct physiological disturbances in the body
    • Aid in weight loss

Laser therapy suppresses the appetite by stimulating involuntary reflexes of the stomach and intestines by raising endorphin and serotonin levels, both of which increases smooth muscle tone in the stomach wall and decrease the duration of peristaltic waves (involuntary contractions that pass along the walls of the intestines and forces the contents onward) which inhibits nerve activity in the stomach and intestines, leading to a delay in the stomach emptying and a sense of fullness and early satiety. As well, the release of endorphins and serotonin enables the body to utilize food more efficiently and so the body burns fat more efficiently.

Not all people react in the same way to laser therapy, and one person may not always react the same way after each treatment.  Some pharmaceuticals can interfere with the laser therapy treatments and produce varied results.  Also, certain underlying conditions may need to be addressed first before weight loss can occur.

Weight Loss After Quitting Smoking

Detailed Process of Our Edmonton Weight Loss Programs

The weight loss journey at Alberta Laser Therapy starts with a personalized consultation with Ms. Holly Stambaugh. During this consultation, your specific needs and goals are assessed, forming the basis of your personalized treatment plan.

Each treatment session involves the application of a cold laser to specific points on the body that correspond to weight management—such as points for appetite control, metabolism, and detoxification. These sessions help to stimulate the body’s natural processes, aiding in fat reduction and appetite suppression.

Clients typically undergo multiple sessions, each lasting about 30 to 40 minutes, spread over several weeks. The number of sessions can vary based on individual goals and physiological responses to the treatment.

Efficiency and Effectiveness: This method has proven effective, with many clients experiencing significant weight loss, increased energy levels, and improved health markers.


  • Effective management of body weight with minimal effort.
  • Safe and non-invasive treatment, free from drugs and side effects.

Our Edmonton Weight Loss Programs address both the symptoms and the root causes of weight gain, ensuring holistic health improvements.

Get In Touch

The program at Alberta Laser Therapy includes:

  • Packages of 8 laser therapy treatments for weight loss (depending on weight loss needs)

  • Recommendations on whole foods and nutritional supplements that will support the body

  • Food intolerances that may be affecting your overall health

  • Additional therapies that will support the body

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